What’s Happening
BHOT rep. attending IdeaLab! – WHU Founders' Conference 2023
06. & 07.10.2023.
BHOTs' representative will be attending the IdeaLab conference in Vallendar. We hope to meet as many talented and motivated students willing to assist us in our journey!
BHOT applying for the EXIST-Gründungsstipendium
Under the guidance of TUM Gründungsberatung, we are proud to announce the next funding scholarship on our horizon.
BHOT applying for Raising Starts
Raising Starts is an amazing program organized by the joint work of the Swiss and Serbian Governments. It allows founders to learn from amazing mentors, gain valuable business experience, and make great business connections as well as earn investments of up to 20000 CHF.
BHOT officially under guidance of the TUM Gründungsberatung
As a service made for students or scientists at the Technical University of Munich, they offer an experienced team to support startups at all major stages.
BHOT accepted for XPLORE Freerider Build Your Entrepreneurial Journey
The service that helps you to create your customized start-up development path based on your needs, laser-focusing your team effort and speeding up your venture’s progress.